2020年教师资格面试:小学英语《Why do you like pandas》教案

来源:招教网时间:2020-11-23 16:07:12责任编辑:shizhenzhen

关键词: 教师资格证

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A: Which animal do you like?

B: I like elephants.

A: Why?

B: Because they are cute.

A: What else do you like?

B: Dogs.

A: Why?

B: Because dogs are friendly and smart.





Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims

Students can master the words about animals in the zoo: tiger, elephant, koala, lion, and giraffe.

Students can master the adjectives of quality: smart, cute, lazy, friendly, beautiful, and shy. Students can master the structures, “Which animal do you like?”

Ability aims:

Students are able to use the new words and sentence patterns to communicate freely.

Students are able to express preferences after class and improve their integrative ability of language.

Emotional aim:

Students can develop their expressive competence and active thinking.

Students can understand each other, strengthen their friendship and enhance the interpersonal communication and form a fine personal relationship.

Teaching key point:

Students can master the new words and the sentence structures.

Teaching difficult point:

Students are able to use new words and sentences to communicate with their partners bravely.

Teaching methods

Communicative approach; TPR teaching method; Task-based l teaching method.

Teaching aids

Multi-media, blackboard.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up and lead in

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning.

T: I will sing a brief song to all of you before class. But you should listen carefully, when I finish, please try to tell me which animal can you hear in the song, ok?

Ss: Ok

T: Cat is fast. Rat is fat.

See them run. Fun! Fun! Fun!

Monkey is short. Giraffe is tall.

See them play with the ball.

Now can you tell me, what do you hear in the song?

Ss: cat monkey

T: Well done. There are cat and monkey, do you know the meaning of them?

Ss: 猫,猴子

T:Very good. But do you hear a word giraffe? Do you know the meaning of it ? Today we are going to learn it and other animals in the zoo.

Step 2.Presentation

T: Everyone welcome to the zoo. Let’s look at this picture on the book. There are six animals in the picture. Do you know what are they?


T:Nice.We just heard giraffe in the song,do you remember?it means 长颈鹿。Do you like giraffe?


T:Why do you like giraffes?

Ss:They are tall

T:ok you like giraffe because they are tall.read after me giraffe giraffe giraffe. I like giraffes.why do you like giraffes? Because they are tall. Tom likes giraffe,which animal do you

like Mary?


T:Mary likes elephant.why do you like elephants?


T: let’s learn a new word,interesting it means “有趣的”。Read after me interesting interesting interesting. So mary likes giraffes ,because they are interesting. Mike what else do you like?


T:try to answer use this sentence.

S:I like dogs

T:why do you like dogs?


T:we can say “they are friendly and smart”friendly 友好的 smart 聪明的。

Step 3 practice

T:let’s review these words .let’s read them together.


T: Now read the sentences group by group.group one ask,group answer.

Ss:Why do you like giraffes? Because they are cute.

     Why do you like elephants? Because they are interesting.

     Why do you like dogs? Because they are friendly and smart.

T: group two ask group one answer now.

Ss:Why do you like giraffes? Because they are cute.

      Why do you like elephants? Because they are interesting.

      Why do you like dogs? Because they are friendly and smart.

T :Well done. Now make the conversation with your partner using the sentences and words we just learnt. You have 10 minutes to prepare. Tom and Dina can you have a try?

Ss: let’s see the panda first.

      Why do you like pandas?

      Because they are cute.

T: You all do a good job. Now imagine you are a tourist guide try to introduce the animals in the zoo to your partner. You have 15minutes to prepare.

Ss: which animal do you like best?

       I like tiger?

      Why do you like tigers?

      Because they are clever.

Step 4 summary and homework.

T:well done. Now who can tell me,which animals we learn today.

S;tiger ,elephant,giraffe

T:Good. What animals do you like ?

Ss:panda tiger dog

T: why do you like them?


T: ok today’s homework is go home and ask people around you what animals do they like

and write down the reason. Ok ?


T:class is over.

Blackboard design

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?
Why do you like┄?
Because they are┄.


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