2020年下教师资格面试英语试讲稿:《Read and write》

来源:招教网时间:2020-12-28 17:09:09责任编辑:yangguang

关键词: 教师资格证

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Good morning, boys and girls! Before our new class, let’s look at some pictures on the screen. Wow! What can you see? Yes, we can see so many food on the table. Who cooked them? Can you cook dinner? No, so who cook dinner in your family? You, please! You said your mother cooks dinner everyday. Great! Thank you! Sit down, please! The girl in yellow, who cook dinner in your family? You said your grandma cook everyday. Wonderful! Thank you!

Everybody, look at me! What’s this? It’s a letter. Yes, very good! Have you written a letter?You said yes, great! Today,Wu Yifan and his Grandpa wrote two letters. Do you want to know why they write letters? Now, I will give you 3 minutes to read the two letters, and then I will invite some of you to give us your answer. Who wants to tell us why they write the two letters? Very good! The girl in red, please! You said they write their favorite food. Yes, good job! Why they write their favorite food? You, please. Because Robin will cook for them, they write the letters to him. Yes, you are right, thank you! Robin will cook for them, so they write what they like and what they dislike to him.

Boys and girls. Do you like chicken? Yes, I like it, too. Do you know whether Wu Yifan and his grandpa like it or not? Now, I will give you 1 minutes to find the answers. Ok, time’s up! Who wants to try? Tom, please! You said Wu Yifan likes chicken. Do you like his answer? Yes, you are right! What about Grandpa?Does he like chicken? Yes, he is. Excellent!

Everybody, look at the food on the blackboard. If Wu Yifan and Grandpa like it, you can match them together. I will give you 3 minutes to finish it. Then I will invite one student to match them on the blackboard. Got it? Ok, stop here. Have you finished? Yes, well done! Who wants to come to the front? Any volunteers?I believe you can! Great! Sam, please! Come here. Thank you! Do you agree with him? Yes! Wu Yifan likes ice cream, chicken, onions and salad. And grandpa likes chicken and vegetables. Very good!

Boys and girls, did you find some difficult points in the two letters? I heard someone said “favorite” . Yes, we know the meaning of the word, but you should pay attention to the pronunciation. Everybody, read after me. Favorite, [eɪ] [eɪ], [və] [və], favorite, favorite! Read it one by one. Good! Wonderful! Well done!...

We know what Wu Yifan and his Grandpa like and dislike. Do you want to know what your classmates like and dislike? Yes! Good! Now, you can make a survey to ask four of your classmates what they like and dislike, and fill out a form. Got it? Ok, time’s up. I find most of you have finished the form. So who wants to read your form to us? You, please! Thank you! Fantastic! Any volunteers? The girl over there, please! Did she do a good job? Yes, thank you! Let’s give them a big hand!

Boys and girls, what have you learnt today? Who wants to tell us? Tom, please! You said we learnt what Wu Yifan and his Grandpa’s favorite food. Yes? Anything else? Ok, you please! We learnt what Yifan and his Grandpa like and dislike. Wonderful! And we know Robin can cook. Do you think we should help our parents cook? Yes, very good! I hope you can do it!

So, you should know what your parents like and dislike, then you can cook for them, right? Yes! Today’s homework is to ask your parents what theY like and dislike, and then you cook dishes for them. Do you understand? Wonderful! It’s time to say Bye-bye. Boys and girls, see you tomorrow!





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